AB Testing Sample Analysis

In this presentation, I outline some key takeaways on landing page performance. Based on my analysis, I formulated a hypothesis that improving the landing page content can help reduce bounce rate and increase conversion rate. I provide the rationale behind this hypothesis and propose an experiment design to validate it.

Analytics Project Management

This slide deck provides an overview of project management techniques and showcases sample work in use-case and feature design. It covers effective documentation, project planning, and report design and serves as a template for how I approach large scale projects..

Analytics for Business Operations

Operational reports, unlike standard performance reports, require a tailored, use-case driven approach to answer to the the needs of the intended audience.

With that being said, this section includes a bit of a Hodge-Podge of different use-cases I had to solve for.

B2B Sales Analytics

From my experience working at multiple B2B SaaS companies, I’ve identified a set of recurring reporting needs in order to adequately support business leaders and operators.

Businesses may each have their own unique GTM strategy, but the nature of how we report on business performance is fairly consistent and includes a need for : an executive summary, high level view of active pipeline, trended segmented volume KPIs, and trended efficiency/efficacy KPIs.


New York Accident Mitigation

Explored solutions to reduce injuries and fatalities caused by accidents in New York City. To analyze the main reasons for collisions throughout the city, the research utilized "new_york_mv_collisions" data from Public Google Data Sources. The findings emphasized that a significant number of accidents were primarily due to issues with Public Transportation and Infrastructure.