📊 3 Reporting Methods and When to Use Them...

📊 3 Reporting Methods and When to Use Them...

In today's data-driven world, reporting plays a crucial role in decision-making and data analysis for businesses of all sizes. Various reporting methods exist, each catering to specific needs and preferences. In this article, we will classify and explain when to use three popular reporting methods: Google Sheets and Excel, Hex, and Production Reporting Tools like PowerBI, Tableau, and QlikView.

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From ✈️ Big Tech to 🚀 Startup, This Is What I Learned...

From ✈️ Big Tech to 🚀 Startup, This Is What I Learned...

The early years of my career were spent exclusively at large tech companies like LinkedIn, Apple, and Google. While these experiences were valuable, I wanted to challenge myself to work in a smaller environment and build something new. So with the guidance of some amazing managers along the way, I gained the experience & confidence in my own abilities to eventually jump into startup world.

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Highlights & Takeaways From GMC2019

Highlights & Takeaways From GMC2019

I attended the 2019 Growth Marketing Conference to learn what strategies other companies and vendors are using to improve marketing conversion & pipeline creation.

The conference hosted spectrum of topics to address the pain-points that startups, SMBs, and enterprise businesses face. It also facilitated network opportunities to sync with other attendees in our industry. I focused on B2B Marketing discussions for Enterprise.

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Applied Analytics - New York Accident Mitigation

Applied Analytics - New York Accident Mitigation

As part of my day-to-day work, I leverage a suite of analytic tools including SQL (Teradata/Bigquery), Tableau, Splunk, Python and Hadoop. The nature of my work is centered around Product Analytics, Business Strategy, and Process Optimization within Media & Technology.

I enjoy my career, but I still find it important to stay relevant in the marketplace by applying my skills in unfamiliar areas. Practicing use-cases with public data sets is a perfect way to improve technical skills & strategic problem solving.

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A Healthy Perspective on Food: Keys to Successful Dieting

A Healthy Perspective on Food: Keys to Successful Dieting

Many people who knew me growing up can agree that I had a love/hate relationship with pizza, donuts, and almost everything delicious in the world. While I enjoyed these things, I had the restraint to resist them...most of the time. I could never fully give it all up and every sprint of healthy eating ended with a massive binge day of the very food I had been trying to avoid.

What I hated most was the feeling feeling of regret that came shortly after. I felt like all that hard work had been in vain & new in my heart that it couldn't be healthy. I would often question my will power and attributed my lack of resolve to that specifically. But after acknowledging this vicious cycle, I took constructive steps towards strengthening myself and eating habits.

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