A Healthy Perspective on Food: Keys to Successful Dieting

A Healthy Perspective on Food: Keys to Successful Dieting

Many people who knew me growing up can agree that I had a love/hate relationship with pizza, donuts, and almost everything delicious in the world. While I enjoyed these things, I had the restraint to resist them...most of the time. I could never fully give it all up and every sprint of healthy eating ended with a massive binge day of the very food I had been trying to avoid.

What I hated most was the feeling feeling of regret that came shortly after. I felt like all that hard work had been in vain & new in my heart that it couldn't be healthy. I would often question my will power and attributed my lack of resolve to that specifically. But after acknowledging this vicious cycle, I took constructive steps towards strengthening myself and eating habits.

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Transitioning into a Management Role

Transitioning into a Management Role

I’ve now been with Accenture for 5 years, and it feels I’ve grown more in this past year than in the 4 that preceded. I finally aligned myself to Visual Intelligence & Analytics, led analytics for a technology product at the highest valued company in the world, taught myself 3 new technology skills, and helped expand my team-of-one to a team-of-four. In hindsight, it is easy to summarize all I have done in a single sentence but these results and the growth I have experienced have been the products of a year’s worth of personal and interpersonal development.

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Hidden Gems of the Tenderloin, Beyond Gentrification

Hidden Gems of the Tenderloin, Beyond Gentrification

Its surprising how personal routines & preconceptions can sometimes limit what we experience. Last Friday was a perfect case, with the night starting out similar to any other. 

The plan was to swing by a new dinner spot before heading to a friend’s birthday. I proceeded to find a fresh restaurant near the party, but everything did not go as planned.

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